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Rainbow Friends Wiki

Chapter 1's map is located in an unactive facility called Hemlock woods, deemed the "Home of the Rainbow friends." The facility contains 13 main rooms and 3 stories, including a basement. The 13 rooms are: Hemlock Woods Entrance / Log Flume Start and End, Locker Room, Theater, Farm Room, Castle/Blocky Room, Museum, Orange's Cave, Stables, Office, Surveillance Room, and Pipe Room. You can find more about these rooms on their page (if created).

New Chapter 1 Map

The map of the Chapter 1 Facility, also known as Hemlock Woods. An interactable version of the map can be found here.

Log Flume

The front entrance of Hemlock Woods.

The Rooms[]

The Theater[]

The theater is the main quest room throughout hours 1 - 4 in Chapter 1. The theater has a stage and backstage. It is possible the items used in the theater are packed up in the boxes we see in the corners. Throughout hours 1 - 4, The Scientist has the players look for items to complete quests. These quests include: Finding 24 blocks, 15 snack packs, 14 fuses, and 9 batteries.

The Log Flume / Hemlock Woods Entrance[]

The Log Flume is the first attraction we see at the start of the game. The log flume was shut down after the friends got out of hand. It has 2 main rooms (the start and end rooms) that are traveled through via the entrance hallway. It also has a sign that says "Hemlock Woods."

The Museum[]

The museum is a small path containing posters of Trenton and O.D. Davis, Blue's first friend, and a machine likely used for transforming people into friends. The museum also has toys, sketch books, and tape recorders. These are likely to have the first drawings and videos of the friends. There is also a well known easter egg where when you look through the dirty glass, Trenton's picture turns into a new picture. This picture shows Trenton in a suit with sunglasses.

The Farm Room[]

The Farm Room is the room that connects to the back of the Theater's stage. It contains a windmill and haybales, both helping players hide from the friends. The sign that reads "main stage" likely connects to the stage we see at the end of the game, but it is impossible to know for sure. There is another entrance, but this one is boarded up. This entrance could also lead to the stage, or it could just lead to a completely random room.

The Castle[]

The Castle, also known as the Minecraft room for its blocky appearance, is the largest room in the facility. It contains a castle and a small river. There are 2 bridges on the river, allowing easy access to all of the castle's layers. Although the room is big, collectibles almost never spawn inside the castle, but in the courtyard.

Orange's Cave[]

Orange's cave is the only friend-themed room in the facility. The cave has pillars holding the cave up and a small area for orange to sleep in. You can feed orange to delay his attacks, but constant feeding will cause him to wake up. Other than that, there isn't much in this room

The Mineshaft[]

The mineshaft is a large cave area with a log flume (that could connect up to the log flume at the start) and a minecart track. The walls and floor of the room are like the ones in Orange's cave. The room has a hole in the wall by the minecarts that connects to the pathway connecting to the theater.

The Pipe Room[]

The pipe room is a small room in the Mineshaft, most likely used for maintenance or water flow in the log flume. The room has 3 large pipes on the back wall.

The Stables[]

The stables is the only room in Sublevel A. The room has 4 stables, a shower room, and 2 lockers. This room could have been used to house the friends, most likely Orange and Cyan.

The Storage room[]

The Storage room is a small room with wooden shelves. The room can have a max of 3 collectibles inside of it. The room also has many safe areas, and it is uncommon for green or blue to be in it.

The Locker Room[]

The locker room is a large shower room with lots of lockers. Due to unknown causes, only 4 of the lockers are operational.

Office / Surveillance Room[]

The office and surveillance room are the smallest rooms in the facility, alongside the Pipe Room. The Office has a desk and a mysterious locked door, while the Surveillance room has many computer monitors and cameras.
