Note: Only Staff members such as administrators and content moderators can edit this. Other staff members can edit this if it is temporaily unlocked. If this page is unlocked, please do not edit it unless you are a staff member.
If a user disobeys these rules set in place, please report them to a staff member on their talk page, select the three dots on the post/comment, and select "report", or you can also send them a message.
Not all blocks may be appealed for. However, your block may be lifted if you are proven to be completely innocent.
Major Violations AND Extreme
Violation of Fandom ToU- Warning will not be given and block is ineligible to appeal for.
Hate Posts - This includes but is not limited to: racism, homophobia, ableism, hurtful words, etc. Hate posting will make you receive a permanent block. This block is ineligible to appeal for. Warnings or reminders will not be given.
Trolling and Excessive Spamming - Trolling isn’t allowed on Fandom in the first place and won’t be tolerated on this wiki. Liking users' posts constantly can be considered spamming if it becomes bothersome. This block is eligible to appeal for. Warning or reminder will not be given.
Impersonation - Impersonation is not okay, and can actually get someone in big trouble, if used purposely to blackmail someone. This block is ineligible to appeal for and you will be reported to FANDOM staff. Warning or reminder will not be given.
Inappropriate Content -Will be removed and resulting into a ban and IP block. You may also not mention or describe inappropriate content. A warning or reminder will be given depending on the topic. Eligibility to appeal depends on the topic.
Violation of Roblox ToS - You may NOT violate any of Roblox’s ToU.
Swearing - You will receive a warning for it, but then no more warnings. Block may be ineligible to appeal for, depending on the word used and if the user is repeatedly swearing despite warnings.
Vandalism - Vandalism is not tolerated on Fandom in the first place, and surely will not be tolerated on this wiki. No warning nor reminder will be given and a report will be sent to Fandom staff. Block is ineligible to appeal for.
Abusing Accounts - If you are discovered that you're making use of a sock puppet account to evade a ban, or a global block, you will receive a permanent block. You may explain why you’re innocent on an administrator’s Community Central message wall. Warnings or reminders will not be eligible to appeal for.
Illegal Content - This is very serious and a police report will be filed. Ineligible to appeal for and no warnings. A report will also be sent to Fandom.
Raiding Wikis - Do not raid wikis, whether it is on this wiki or another wiki. If you are caught raiding the wiki or promoting a raid, you will be blocked and reported to your related or target wikis.
Moderate Violations
Arguments/Disagreements - Arguments can be harmful to users, Depending on how severe the argument is, you may receive or not a block. A small argument can lead to an hour block, we suggest not to get into arguments but an mod or an admin that successfully calms down the argument can lead to no one getting blocked. Warnings will be given, likely no blocks will be made.
Stealing other user's work - Stealing art is not okay, people work hard on their artwork just to be stolen. Warnings will be given, reminders will not. If blocked, the block is eligible to appeal for.
Deleting warnings/reminders from your talk page - Do not delete a staff member's reminder or warning from your talk page. It negates the purpose of reminding someone of their errors, as it hides it from their view unless a staff member restores them.
Minor Violations
Negative posting/Arguments - We do not encourage such behaviors, this is a minor violation and will be handled accordingly. If a user apologizes or the argument is ended there is no need for a block. Warnings and reminders will be given.
Opinonated information - Fandom is a collaborative website. We do not encourage such behaviors.
Editing user pages (without permission)- We only take this as an minor violation. Please do not edit other users' about pages. If this is repeated, the violation is considered moderate.
Minimodding - Do not minimod, or act like a staff member when you are not one. Report to a real staff member if you find a situation that needs attention.
Necroposting - Do not revive posts or respond to posts that have not received a reply in four days or more as this may cause community disruption, if you break this rule twice, this is considered a moderate violation. This rule does not apply to comments, because they automatically lock after 60 days.
Use of Common Sense - Use common sense. If it doesn't seem like you should do something, chances are, you shouldn't. Just because something isn't on this list doesn't mean you can do it.